More about us

The New Kanvas, which is an acronym for Karoz A Norman Visual Art Studio, started in the summer of 2019 by three Brothers, Karoz "Coach K" Norman, Mynique "Geezy" Stewart Jr., and Norman "Rello" Stewart.

These three former Elite boxers, who started boxing underneath their Coach and Grandfather, the late great Ben Stewart, took their love for Boxing and Art and fused them together, creating a clothing brand honoring what they love. The three Brothers are also artist in their own right, with degrees in graphic design, fine art, and fashion. They created the New Kanvas brand to encourage and uplift those who are going through the everyday struggles, hard times, and fights through and in life. They encourage those who dare to power forward, being their own artist, creating their masterpiece, their own new work of art!

Karoz, Mynique, and Norman are also active in their community. Training and teaching young boys and girls, both arts of boxing and fine art. They created a line called Bully the Bag to help those who are being bullied or doing the bullying to direct their energy towards something positive like focusing on what they would like to accomplish or be in their future careers.

We truly Thank you for supporting our dreams and ventures.

So, Be the New.....The New Kanvas, on me!